This was pretty awesome! Nice job.
This was pretty awesome! Nice job.
Man, this was pretty awesome. I love how the fighters are animated!
Now we know where that star comes from. Nicely done. ;)
This was hilarious and true.
This was pretty awesome. I mostly like the song, but the animation is pretty good, too (even though I have seen better). I gave it 5 stars, because I'm nice. ;)
Man... this was pretty funny... and it was well animated! How often do you get something like that?
That was amazing! I would be proud if I could animate like this!
This was very well animated, and I'd also have to say, for a first time using Blender, this is amazing.
Quite a good sprite animation. I would have to give this 5 stars, because it was funny, well-animated, and everything about it was good.
Hello! I am an animator and a future game developer, and I go by "SpiceDawg", "SpiceDawgX", or "Agent64".
Joined on 8/8/13