This is something I've thought about for a while, and I can't prove it, because it's just a theory and all, plus, I'm no scientist. However, I just decided to share this with my 1-fan channel, so I can get some comments, people can tell me what they think, etc.
So, there's always been a theory that using 100% of your brain will allow you to physically levetate objects and/or do other things, just by using only your brain. Once again, I'm no scientist, so I have no way of knowing if it's true or not, and I have no way to proove it. But for the time being, let's just all assume this is a fact and not fiction. So, if our brains really are capable of those kinds of things, would the ignorance of knowing you can't pass through a wall, or the belief that you could pass through a wall, allow you to do that, regardless of the fact that that is physically impossible? But as an instinct, we cannot actually force ourselves to believe such things, because we know it's impossible. But would we be able to break the laws of physics, just by believing we could do something that never could be done? If we had the ability, just believing that this theory is true might make this true to ourselves, of course regarding that this theory is accurate in the first place. And of course, this would mean that all our boundaries lie right in our head, literally, and we cannot think outside of the box, literally. So, if we were given the ability to believe these things somehow, then would that mean all of the things we're limited to, would suddenly become bypassable? Would it be literal if someone told you all you had to do is believe, and you'd be able to accomplish anything?
This is all of course only philosophical, so I'd take it with a grain of salt. It's like the theory, if a tree falls, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make sound? Most likely, it does, but how can we be so sure? Scientifically, yes, if a tree hits the ground, there is bound to be a noise. But maybe there is an essence greater than science that determines this. It could be some religious belief, it good be a greater power, who knows. There might not be any of that at all. And that is phylosophy, right there in a nutshell.
Actually, i've read a book about those powers of the brain, and it said that to achieve levitaton and all those kind of things, you gotta believe them, as simple as that, like you say, if we didn't know we cannot close the door moving one finger, the power that lies in it would just do it.
I don't know if i belive those things, but that's what the book said.
You know, I believe it's true, and I guess that means it's true to me. Say we put this with religion; in that context, believing in god, or not believing in god, just makes it that way for yourself. And as some people believe in different gods, maybe whatever kind of god they believe in is what they will get. And I have said this many times, but it's just a theory, and of course, I can never proove that any of this is true.